Rommert Boonstra 

      latest update 31 July, 2007 (click for Dutch version)

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Rommert Boonstra, born on 7th April 1942 in Groningen, was director of the theatre in Assen (1969-1972) and of the theatre De Lantaren/Het Venster in Rotterdam (1972-1978), art critic for the Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Elseviers Magazine, Avenue and NRC Handelsblad, until he, aided by a severe, but thankfully short paralysis and a new but everlasting love, took the decision to be an artist himself. Since then he's been working on staged photography, objects, poems and a diary. The photos have been shown worldwide, in for example the Centre Pompidou in Paris and at Trajecta in Barcelona. Poems of his were published in e.g. De Gids and De Tweede Ronde. In 1985 his first poetry book appeared with Manteau (Antwerp), entitled Het scheppen van een nutteloos verleden (Creating a useless past). On two different locations poems of his have been incorporated into the cityscape of Groningen.

Boonstra alternately lives in Rotterdam and Burgundy.

Please browse for more information about Rommert Boonstra.


Het scheppen van een nutteloos verleden, Manteau, Antwerpen, 1985 (poetry)
Natura ex machina, Aurora Borealis, Groningen, 1998 (photos and prose-poetry)
Het huis van het midden, Philip Elchers, Groningen, 1999 (photos and prose-poetry)
De geschiedenis van het vergeten, Triona Pers, Houwerzijl, 2001 (poetry)


More on Rommert Boonstra:
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Triona Pers
Havenstraat 2, Houwerzijl


This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

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