Mark Boog 

      latest update 3rd December, 2003 (click for Dutch version)

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Mark Boog, born on that sunny 24th September of excellent 1970 in Utrecht, made his debut on 8th October 2000 with the volume Alsof er iets gebeurt (As if something's happening; Meulenhoff, Amsterdam). For years, he was editor of the now defunct magazine 'Mondzeer en de Reuzenkreeft' (Mouth sores and the Giant Lobster) and published in e.g. literary magazines De Gids and Hollands Maandblad.

He made his debut as a novelist in 2001, with De Vuistslag (The Punch; Meulenhoff).

Visit his very own site for more information and also see Poetry in Motion, where there are wonderful flash animations of his poems, made by graphic designer John van der Wens.

These 'Poetry in Motion' clips, as he did them at Lowlands 2001, and especially the clips plus rather raucous band, like in Tivoli in Utrecht, made him enjoy performing. So book Boog now!

On 27 April 2001 it was announced that his first volume was nominated for the C. Buddingh'prize for new Dutch poetry. And lo and behold, during Poetry International in Rotterdam, he was awarded the prize, consisting of 1250 euro and a fountain pen. And rightly so.

In November 2002 both his second novel and his second poetry volume were published, resp. entitled De warmte van het zelfbedrog (The warmth of self-deception) and Zo helder zagen we hetzelfde (We saw the same so clearly), both with Cossee publishers.

Please browse for more information about Mark Boog.

Mark Boog:

Uitgeverij Cossee BV
Kerkstraat 361
1017 HW Amsterdam
tel: +31-(0)20-420.39.30

Uitgeverij J.M. Meulenhoff
Postbus 100
1000 AC  Amsterdam
tel:  +31-(0)20-553.35.00
fax: +31-(0)20-625.85.11

Dutch Literary Productions and Translations Foundation
Mr Bas Pauw:
Singel 464
1017 AW  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 (0)20.620.62.61
fax: +31 (0)20.620.71.79

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

© translation Willem Groenewegen / Rottend Staal Online 2003. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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