Ruud Knook 

      latest update 24th December, 2003 (click for Dutch version)

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Ruud Knook was conceived in the autumn of 1968 on a riverbank by a maternity nurse and a steelyard worker. In the summer of 1969 he saw the light, of day that is, in Klundert (Northern Brabant). And then things went quiet for a while. He made his debut in 1979 with 'De knikkers en het spel' (The Rules and the Game) in Vrij Nederland magazine, which was at that time still a newspaper. In 1988 he went to Enschede to study the science of public administration, where he also works as a photographer, welder, silk printer, actor, teacher in the field of human rights, radio interviewer and member of various bands. At the end of 1997 he moved to Assen and the year after he moved again, to Groningen this time, while his work took him to Hardenberg. Currently he also works in Groningen as an advisor on socio-legal matters for the civil servants' union AbvaKabo.

In April 2001 he won the Sixth Groningen WordSlam.

Please browse for more information about Ruud Knook.

Ruud Knook:
Abonnement 'Beikes':



This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

© translation Willem Groenewegen / Rottend Staal Online 2003. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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