Annemieke Houttuin 

      latest update 23rd December, 2003 (click for Dutch version)

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Annemieke V.V. Houttuin was born on 12th August 1977, a summer billed as sunny. She saw the light of day in the former hospital RKZ in Groningen at precisely 04.01 am. She subsequently moved to Kielwindeweer, Amersfoort, Groningen and Zoetermeer, where in the latter she spent most of her youth. Returning to Groningen, where she finished her high school, she also decided to study there, in the field of pedagogics and teacher training.

She has been writing poetry since she was 17. In January 2002 she decided to take her poetry to the stage. She made her debut a winning one, gaining first prize in the 4th WordSlam 2001/2002 in Groningen.

Her poems have been published in Krakatau, Noach's Kat and Weirdo's. She is currently studying again and writing more poetry. Since 2000 she has been hard at work with a children’s book.

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Annemieke Houttuin:

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

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