Quirien van Haelen

      latest update 17th August, 2004 (click for Dutch version)

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Frits Criens jr. was born on 22nd April 1981. He studies Dutch and made his debut under the name of Quirien van Haelen in literary magazine De Tweede Ronde, where he soon found a second home.

Already, work of his has been included in various magazines and a couple of anthologies, e.g. with Liverse publishers. This house issued the volume Vader & Zoon (Father and Son, 2003), containing work by both him and his father.

In 2002 Quirien van Haelen took part in his first poetry slam.

Apart from doing slams, he also regularly performs at poetry festivals, e.g. 'Nacht van het gedicht', 'De nacht van het sonnet' and at various smaller literary salons.

Also, some of his poems have inspired paintings and photographs by various artists. He has also collaborated with a VJ and DJ, for Maatregel (De Wintertuin festival).

In the extensive anthology De Nederlandse poëzie van de 19e, 20e en 21e eeuw in 2000 en enige gedichten (Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, 2004), edited by Gerrit Komrij, one of his poems has been included.

Visit his own splendid site www.quirien.com and please browse www.google.com for more information about Quirien van Haelen.

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Quirien van Haelen
Klaproosstraat 12
5953 GP Reuver
e-mail: Quirienvanhaelen@hotmail.com
site: www.quirien.com

Uitgeverij Liverse
Selma Lagerlöferf 8
tel: 078-6215871
fax: 078-6226056
e-mail: info@liverse.nl


This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

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