Lenze L. Bouwers 

      latest update 4th December, 2003 (click for Dutch version)

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Lenze L. Bouwers was born on 16th May 1940 (mark the date) in the Anna Paulownapolder in the bulb growing village of Breezand. This polder was in danger of being flooded with the occupation in mind. This put great stress on the shoulders of both mother and child, as you may well imagine. He currently lives in Dalfsen.

He became a teacher, after he had worked in primary eduction in Delfzijl (Groningen) for five years. From 1968-1992 he taught Dutch and was a student counsellor in secondary eduction in Zwolle. From 1985 he reduced the number of hours he worked at school to free time to write. Since 1992 he has been a fulltime writer.

Lenze L. Bouwers
© Harry Pierik
From 1985 he has been subsidised by the Fonds voor de Letteren and although it is far from a golden chalice, he’s managed to keep a healthy complexion. Married, five kids, five in-laws, five grandchildren.

He is renowned for his roundels. From 1985 onwards he started churning out more literary stuff, published with Querido (Amsterdam). Magazines such as Tirade, Maatstaf and especially De Revisor published his work, as well as literary website www.chroom.net.

Please browse www.google.com for more information about Lenze L. Bouwers.



Rondelen, Querido, 1985
De route van de rondvaartboot, Querido, 1986
De schaduw van de buizerd, Querido, 1988
Het schuim bedekt de messen, Querido 1990
Biotoop, Querido 1992
Lief model, Kok Voorhoeve, 1996
Groeiringen, Querido, 2002

Bij Uitgeverij Exponent in Bedum een aantal bibliofiele uitgaven:Rondeel, Een knotwilg aan de waterkant, Verzameld bewaren, De stilte van de zoeker, IJsschotsen, gelaagd. Enkele van deze uitgaven zijn voorzien van linosneden van Nies den Engelsen.

Zie www.leesplein.nl voor uitvoerige informatie over Lenze L. Bouwers' kinder- en jeugdboeken, of kijk hieronder:

Children's books

6 to 9 year-olds

Sst... ik ga bidden (kindergebeden), Kok Voorhoeve, 1995
Ik zwem (illustraties Ria Groen), Callenbach, 1996

9 to 12 year-olds

Een hut voor dag en nacht (illustraties Bas Mazur), Kok Voorhoeve, 1990
De pyromaan (illustraties Dick van de Pol), Kok Voorhoeve, 1996
Shettie, lieverd (illustraties Magda van Tilburg), Callenbach, 2001


Lieve vader, vuile schurk, Kok Voorhoeve, 1988
De agenda van Bakker, Kok Voorhoeve, 1992
Verboden toegang (broedgebied) - gedichten voor jongeren, Van den Berg, 1994

Lenze L. Bouwers: lenzebouwers@hotmail.com
E.M. Querido's Uitgeverij
Singel 262
1016 AC  Amsterdam
tel: 020-551.12.62
fax: 020-639.19.68


Dutch Literary Productions and Translations Foundation
Mr Bas Pauw: b.pauw@nlpvf.nl
Singel 464
1017 AW  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 (0)20.620.62.61
fax: +31 (0)20.620.71.79

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This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

© translation Willem Groenewegen / Rottend Staal Online 2003. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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